HTML5 Canvas Gravity Simulator

This HTML5 Canvas example simulates a large mass like a sun, and several small masses like planets orbiting around each other. Check out the simulator here: Make sure to tap or click the page to display several settings to change the way the simulator looks and behaves. Here are a few screenshots.

HTML5 Canvas Brownian Motion Simulator

This HTML5 Canvas example simulates Brownian motion in particles, as well as creates some cool pictures. Check out the simulator here: Make sure to tap or click the page to display several settings to change the way the simulator looks and behaves. Here are a few screenshots.

Set Timezone for MYSQL / PHP

After setting system time, I discovered that mysql and php services didn’t also update the timezone settings. Here’s how to make sure they also reflect the correct timezone. First locate all the php.ini files in /etc now edit these files and add the timezone info add this to the [Date] block: For mysqld portion, first… Continue reading Set Timezone for MYSQL / PHP

Change Timezone on Raspian / Debian / Ubuntu

Here’s a quick and easy way to change the timezone configuration on Raspian / Debian / Ubuntu server, but will probably work on other linux flavors as well. First, lets see what our current configuration is: To get a list of all the supported time-zones: And something like this to grep for relevant ones: Next,… Continue reading Change Timezone on Raspian / Debian / Ubuntu